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There’s a tipping point when you are self-publishing.  That moment that happens after you’ve been writing for so long, after reviewing your work for the hundredth time, after arranging the cover art and finally after waiting on approvals.

You hold your book in your hands.

There it is with your name on the cover.  It seems so distant from those years spent working away at it.  It seems so professional.  An author did this.

Of course, with patience, time and a lot of revision anyone can get there but when you are holding your own book in your hands you feel like… an author.  For better or for worse (and I do hope you think for the better in our case) you are now an author.  Successful author would be better but that happens in self-publishing after you become a successful self-marketer.

I’m blogging to give you the sense of accomplishment and pride publishing something represents.  Even without the successful part.  I’ve published short stories in digital format and I’ve been proud of them.  I respect others who do the same thing be it short fiction, long, non-fiction or other.  Yet, for me, the tangible printed copy sitting in my collection of books, right up there next to Stephen King or JRR Tolkien holds a deep satisfaction I never had in digital.

Since finishing and printing our book I’m amazed at the number of people who have said that reading your book has made me want to write my own, or I tried to write my own and got hung up on this or that.  For those people I want to implore you to work towards your goal.  The result is worth it.  The smell of fresh printing as you are cracking the spine of book with your name on it.  It’s empowering and life changing.

As the tag line for Wright I think it fits here perfectly as I tell you to

Wright Your Own Adventure!

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